March is National Nutrition Month – did you know? Ah nutrition…what in the world does that word even mean these days? If something is organic is it nutritious? If it is low in fat or low in processed sugar does that guarantee what you are eating is a nutritious bite?

I went to graduate school in nutrition not for a career, but to learn the truth and science behind nutrition. I was so sick of reading magazines, believing in fad diets or listening to people speak crazy talk! I loved learning the biochemistry behind nutrients and psychology behind our behaviors, but the truth is…I still do not know exactly what nutrition means! How insane is that? There is so much mixed information out there and at the end of the day every person is different. Everyone has a unique mix of nutrients and calories and foods that work for them, their lifestyle and their goals.

Katie Morford is one of the first dietitians I spoke to when I started this journey. A mutual friend put us in touch and I called her and I think I actually asked, “So what does a dietitian do?” That was how clueless I was! She started me on my way, told me about graduate programs in NYC and put me in touch with the dietitian at The Bay Club and well…the rest is history.

Katie has a fantastic blog chock full of recipes and excellent write-ups. She also has a cookbook on its way in August! She wrote a great post yesterday called 25 Simple Ways to Eat Better – Pick One. She got me started on my journey – thought I would share her pearls of wisdom to get you started on yours.

Set yourself up for success. Choose one thing that will help you move towards your goal.