I was thrilled to see I was quoted in an article in the Wall Street Journal a few weeks ago. Exciting to be in such a distinguished newspaper but more importantly, I loved being a part of a wonderful story. The article is a feature of Rodney Tafoya, a 49 year old bank executive who still actively pitches in amateur baseball leagues on weekends and holidays. While he never made it to the pros, he never gave up on his passion. He lives his life as an athlete and does everything he can to take care of himself so we can live the life he wants. Inspirational and beyond impressive!

I keep saying this but no one wants to believe me – there is no quick fix, no magic pill, no shortcut. It takes effort to live a healthy, strong, well life. The thing is, all this “effort” does not have to be considered so miserable. It feels good to take care of yourself. Doesn’t it? Why is that such a hard thing to believe?

When you exercise and you get your heart pumping, break an awesome sweat, challenge yourself, get that endorphin rush and your mind clears…that feels so good!

When you eat a plate of wholesome, nourishing food that makes your body stronger and healthier…that feels fantastic!

When you give yourself a break, sleep a full 8 hours, take some time during the day to slow down rather and destress….that is just the best!

Rodney Tafoya has a goal – he wants to play baseball for as long as he can because it is what he loves to do. He lives his life in a manner that will help him achieve his goal.

What is your goal? What do you want to do? What can you do in your everyday life that will help you create behaviors that will make living that life that much closer?

Take some time this week to consider one goal you want to achieve and one simple change you can make to your routine to get closer to that goal.