We all have unique preferences, motivators, stressors and pet peeves.

Some of you enjoy waking up at 5am to workout while others go for runs at 10pm.

Some of you crave chocolate and ice cream, while others crave potato chips.

Some of you need bourbon at night, some of you need espresso in the morning.

Some of you can eat the same thing everyday while others need to mix it up.

Some of you need a specific goal to stay motivated, while others get stressed out with a goal.

We all have our “shticks” – yiddish for themes or gimmicks. We all have our unique bag of shitcks that make us who we are. They can hold us back as well as motivate us to improve. Regardless, they are there and it is essential to know your shticks and how to get them to work in your favor, rather than your detriment.

When you take the time to know who you really are, you thrive.

Do you know a characteristic about yourself that is holding you back? Preventing you from reaching your goal?

Know yourself, embrace your shticks and thrive.