20 years ago, my best friend told me it was good luck to say “rabbit rabbit” as your first words on the first day of the month…and for 20 years I have kept the tradition alive. Today is December 1st – so Rabbit Rabbit!!! It is actually a real thing (google says so) and don’t fret if you did not say it this morning…my friend added the loophole that if you put your head under the bed on the 2nd of the month and say “rabbit rabbit’ the good luck streak sticks. (That one is surprisingly not in google…but she swears by it….and yes I am an educated, sane adult writing this).

Luck is a funny thing though…if we hold on to luck too tightly, and hope everything is going to fall into place, life may just pass us by. So, we move on to some other words of wisdom my father always says– Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

So are the super fit, super motivated, super healthy, always-thin folks out there just really lucky? Or have they prepared and taken responsibility for things and jumped on every opportunity to keep their health and wellness on track?

I am not sure..maybe a mix of both? I have to believe that living life healthy, happily, well, fit, energized and balanced is a little more than crossing your fingers, picking up heads-up pennies and saying rabbit rabbit every month. This from the gal who believes in all those superstitions (it can’t hurt right?) However, having a plan is necessary too.


  1. Go grocery shopping:  Fill your house, office, purse and car with foods that will fuel you for success. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, proteins, whole grains…whole real food.
  2. Bring food with you to work! Get out of the rut on relying for takeout for lunch. Trust me – it makes a huge difference.
  3. Always have workout clothes with you – you never know when you can get a 20 minute walk in. Get some exercise in whenever you can.
  4. Do not walk into a party starving – eat before you go! This is a big one with the holiday season starting. Have a satiating snack before you go to an event so you do not mindlessly eat all night.
  5. Go to bed with a plan for the next day. The ultimate preparation – have a plan for the next day. Know where you are going to eat and how you are going to have a successful day.

Practice consistency – the more consistent you are, the easier it will be. Being prepared will be routine and lucky opportunities will come your way.

Rabbit Rabbit!!!